Friday, May 30, 2014

21: CMC Songs of YesterYears - Fri 30 May 2014

Today's fellowship was the last session held @ Bedok Methodist Church. The next fellowship meeting will be held @ the new Christ Methodist Church. Richard Toh and Kenneth Tan thanked Bedok MC for letting them use their premises for SOY for the last 3 years while Christ MC was erecting their new building.

The attendees enjoyed singing the oldies led by vocalist Albert Wong.

The session concluded with a fellowship meal downstairs.

Here's a slideshow video of the event:Click to view

Friday, May 16, 2014

20: PMC GYM - Wed 14 May 2014

The fellowship commenced @ 3pm with oldies & songs of praise.

Highlight of the day: A sharing by Estella our church counsellor on how faith can work wonders.

George Wee cooked cottage pie topped with home-baked curry puff for the GYMers' enjoyment.

After refreshment break, it was time for the GYMers to enjoy their leisure games & activities.

More activities to end the day.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

19: PMC GYM - Wed 7 May 2014

Today's sharing was a message by Ministry staff Jacob.

Today's food was cooked by George Wee who prepared the chicken curry, nasi kunit and fried wanton.

Tall Albert prepared the porridge, Amy Wee the duck delicacy, Muay Gek the nonya ngoh hiang and Georgia Tan the guava dessert

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

18: Sunshine Seniors' Fellowship @ Orchard Rd Presbyterian Church - Fri 2 May 2014

It was my first time to attend this fellowship at the Orchard Rd Presbyterian Church. The Sunshine Seniors' Fellowship is the equivalent of GYM (Glowing Years Ministry).

It was Albert Wong who invited me to attend as his band "The Eastwind" was going to perform there.

I must say that I truly enjoyed the session of singing hymns & oldies led by the band.